In case you haven't heard, I finally got an island... now home to both {PLUNDER} and Miau Haus! (I'm sure some of you were getting tired of me whining about wanting an island for the longest time!) Needless to say, I had a very busy month building the new environments for both of my stores: recruiting talented designers to be part of my pet project, making props and buildings, shopping for props... and mostly trying to keep my creativity going. I'm super happy with the result... {PLUNDER} in all its glory is now completed (except for a couple of designers' shops) and open for business! A huge thank you and sloppy Posy kisses to all the people who helped me and agreed to be part a project that is near and dear to my heart.
When you visit, you'll see all the familiar faces as well as some amazing designers that I've wanted to have in {PLUNDER} but didn't have the prim space before at the old location. You'll now see SiniStyle, Refuge, Jeepers Creepers, Philotic Energy, Truth, Accessory Arsenal, The Syndicate and sometime soon Menno Ophelia's Kari will join the crew.
Thank you again to all the talented designers who put in their time and effort to help create a wonderful shopping experience for our fellow SL citizens and for helping to make my creative vision come true.